Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Web 2.0 [volume 3.0]

Web 2.0 is a broad definition that caters for many features of the internet in the modern world. The differences between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0, is that Web 2.0 has the ability for users to interact with other users.
Although this may seem as an advance within modern technology, this feature was available on 1995, with the Web 1.0 site www.amazon.com; this site allowed users to view and comment on items displayed on the site. Therefore Web 2.0 is a refined "version" of what Web 1.0 had introduced within the beginning years of the internet.
The "Web" is a system that has the term "evolution"as a constant reminder to users; advances have already taken place to allow online users to interact even more with one another . Advances such as dial-up to broadband technology, web advances (blogs, search engines, online sharing), as well as technological advances such as personal computers, laptops, digital cameras and video cameras, all correlate to the advance of the "Web" as a whole.


Marc Andreessen webpage, online. http://blog.pmarca.com/2007/06/why_theres_no_s.html. last accessed 17 Mar 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Interactive Design [volume 3.0] {Examples}

Interactive Design is a tool of Web 2.0 that can defined through a number of different mediums and processes. Flash based designs such as flash games and animation, e-learning programs, e-banking.

Flash Games and Animation:-
A simple java or flash player designed game dedicated to simplistic graphics and controls. These online flash games are generally operated through Web 2.0 webpages such as http://www.teagames.com/ and http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/.

Electronic Based Learning (also know as, E-Learning) is an online based learning system that allows users (students) to access personal accounts. Mainly based within Tertiary studies, E-Learning is now being introduced to Secondary and Primary education as internet based education is now being introduced to all ages for self learning. E-Learning is essential as students can access the system, anywhere and at any time on a provided computer station/laptop. An example of E-Learning is "Web CT/Blackboard Learning" provided through UWS VUWS http://elearning.uws.edu.au/webct/entryPageIns.dowebct

Electronic based banking is now one of the most common forms of banking, it allows the user to access personal accounts over the internet. Personal Precautions take place as the information being viewed is personal financial accounts. Banks such as Commonwealth Bank take part in this form of banking as it is easier for their customers with its simplistic operations and safety. http://www.commbank.com.au/

Information Design [volume 2.0] {Examples}

Power point presentation - A power point is computer based medium that explains and expresses information/images/videos and text through a series of "slides" produced through a slide show. A power point presentation is one of the most effective pieces of informational designs as it is direct, simple and effective to the targeted audience.

Podcast - A podcast is an online form of audio/video broadcasting, which is delivered over the internet. Podcasting was first exposed through Apple's "Ipod" and "Broadcasting" features, podcasting allows users to subscribe and therefore automatically receive updated files on their chosen topic.

Word press/Blog spot - Word press and Blog spot are online forms of direct information delivered by a certain user to the open public, or whoever subscribes to it.

Instructional Design [volume 2.0] {Examples}

Learning Manuals - A learning manual can be expressed through a number of different mediums, which are affective in its own way. Learning manuals provide a step-by-step procedure on "how to do" certain exercises.

DVD and CD ROM interfaces (Leap Frog) - DVD and CD ROM interfaces, such as those provided by "Leap Frog" allow the user to learn through an interactive environment. The "Leap Frog" program has a number of interactive activities which allow children to have fun aswell as learn about core topics which relate to their junior education.

Online Kiosk - An online kiosk is an interactive instructional system that allows users to simply "browse" a certain website in order to find information, watch videos, upload information.
Wespac and Commonwealth bank are two major banking companies in Australia that operates an online kiosk that allows users, to deposit, withdraw and transfer funds through the online system.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Mood Board [volume 1.0]

John is a 75-year-old retired carpenter who still enjoys hikes in national parks and ridding his Harley-Davidson. He looks forward to the local club raffle and a catch up with the boys on a Thursday evening. He also enjoys playing bingo, listening to local radio and watching old western movies with his wife Jill. As he gets older and has to visit the hospital more often, he prefers quick and efficient health-care with simple, bold instructions and hospital signs. He aims to enjoy the rest of his life traveling a little and spending time with family, especially his grandchildren.
  • Location: Hobart
  • Toaster Usage: Unfortunately Johnny has never used a fancy new electric toaster
  • Computer/Internet Usage: PC, Occasionally browses the Internet with the help of his grandchildren.
  • Computer Skill: Novice user. Finds things too complicated on the computer to use. Has an email but doesn’t know how to use it properly.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interactive Process [storyboards & flow charts]

The Toasting Process. The step-by-step of creating great toasted bread.
  • Start
  1. Get the toaster and place it on a flat surface (preferably a kitchen bench).
  2. Plug power cord into the power outlet.
  3. Turn on the power point.
  4. Take out preferred bread (wholemeal, white, etc)
  5. Put 1 or 2 slices (depending on how much you want to eat) into the bread slots of the toaster.
  6. Set the toaster to preferred toast settings. [note: are toast settings correct? YES/NO]
  7. Push down the depress lever and wait for the toast to eject itself (automatic).
  8. When toast ejects check if it suits your standards. [note: is the toast cooked correctly? YES/NO]
  9. Place toast onto the kitchen plate. [note: completed toasting bread? YES/NO]
  10. Turn off power point.
  11. Unplug toaster and tidy away to it's original position.
  12. Prepare toast and eat
  • End
Flow Chart; on 'how to make toasted bread'.

Storyboard; an interactive process on 'how to make toasted bread'.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Clarity; Informational and Instructional Design [volume 2.0]

Information Design:- effective procedure to communicate information.
  • Information Design; does not consider aesthetics of design, but considers how effective the information is delivered to the target audience, about something.
Instructional Design:- effective procedure on how the information is being communicated.
  • Instructional Design; is the process in which the "writer" delivers the information to the "responder", on how to do something.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inter.activity [volume 2.0]

Interactive design is a system that simply allows the user to participate within the application; hence the term used, "interactive" design. Web 2.0 and Interactive design correlate directly within each other, where the user interacts directly with the website. Interactive design is a broad term that can be analysed over a number of different computer based mediums, such as web design, animation design, gaming etc.

Take into the account the example that was produced in the lecture for "Interactive Design 100789: week 2"; where online gaming was expressed as a form of interactive designing. The users consisted of "runners" (a person that holds a GPS system and explores the city), and "navigators" (an digital aid that talks to them through microphone and an online tracking system).

Interactive Design is a broad based term that can be taking into many different types and examples; "Friday Media" expresses interactive design into a number of different interactive applications.
  • Flash Website Design
  • Interactive Application Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Email Marketing Design
  • Flash Games & Animation
  • Forums, databases, surveys and blogs
  • Application Design


Friday Media. online, http://www.fridaymedia.com.au/index.php/interactive-design. last accessed 06-03-09

Sunday, March 8, 2009

WEB 2.0 [volume 2.0]

Web 2.0 is known world wide, but isn't expressed as Web 2.0; the everyday internet user does not know this terminology, but simply expresses it as the "net".

Web 2.0 has created the phenomenon of the communication styles of the 21st century. Web 2.0 is not simply a communication system, but also a sharing system that allows users to create web links the allows file sharing, information sharing and also personal sharing.

O'Reilly Media in association with MediaLive International, developed a diagram that expresses the principles and practices of Web 2.0 to the online community, where the "web" is the platform of the system; and the possible operations that are included within this complex system.

There are multiple examples that can relate to the complex operations of file sharing, and multi-million members of online communities.

FACEBOOK:- Facebook is an online "social-networking website" that allows users to "roam" the digital world, to network with 175 million+ users. Created by Harvard students Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Facebook operates with an online profile that allows you to add personal information (intersts etc), in order to create an online identity for the online community.
(if you are un-sure; please visit www.facebook.com and join the revolution of online communication)

Web 2.0 also produces a number of bit torrent websites that allow you to download; games, movies, series, programs, songs, and images. Various sites such as http://thepiratebay.org/ and http://www.mininova.org/ allow users to download torrent files which are then uploaded to torrent clients such as http://www.utorrent.com/ to download the uploaded torrent file.


image #1
O'Rielly Media webpage, online. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html. last accessed 08-03-09
image #2
Facebook webpage, online. http://www.facebook.com/home.php. last accessed 08-03-09
image #3
Mininova webpage, online. http://www.mininova.org/. last accessed 08-03-09
image #4
The Pirate Bay webpage, online. http://thepiratebay.org/. last accessed 08-03-09
image #5
Utorrent webpage, online. http://www.utorrent.com/. last accessed 08-03-09

Informational vs. Instructional [round one]

Definition: Informational and Instructional Design responds to the development and process of design, in the industry.

Stated by www.instructionaldesign.org; "The process by which instruction is improved through the analysis of learning needs and system
atic development of learning materials. Instructional designers often use technology and multimedia as tools to enhance instruction."

The website also states a number of glossary terms that relate to the functionality and the representation of what information/instructional design expressing.

Instructional Theory - Specifications for how to bring about a desired set of circumstances. Technological. Compare with Learning Theory.

Instructional Design Theory - How to design/create artifacts. This includes tools for design.

Prototype - a prototype is a physical model of a product. A miniature version of what a new car would look like is an example of a prototype. Prototypes can be working or non-working.

Simulation - a simulation is a virtual model of a product. A simulation is essentially the same thing as a prototype, but it generally uses some sort of software to create the product virtually.


Instructional Design webpage, online. http://www.instructionaldesign.org/. last accessed 08-03-09

To be Interactive? or to be Interactive Design??

Definition: Interactive design is the art of producing a piece of aesthetically applications that cater for a certain target audience. The material delivers information through an entertaining medium which allows the user to relate interactively as well as understanding the terminology and information involved. We'll learn more during Semester 1, since our unit is called "Interactive Design 1 - 100789"


DEBASER (website):- National/International, Graphic Design Firm Debaser: an Australian based team operated by Aaron Hayward and David Homer.

CARSALES (website):- online website purely produced to sell new and used vehicles.

University of Western Sydney (website):- an online community dedicated for the students of the University of Western Sydney region.


image #1:
Debaser webpage, online: http://www.debaser.com.au. last accessed 08-03-09
image #2
Carsales webpage, online: http://www.carsales.com.au/used-cars/private/advanced-search.aspx. last accessed 08-03-09
image #3
UWS webpage, online: http://www.uws.edu.au. last accessed 08-03-09

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Web, The Design, The Information

Definition: Web 2.0 is the next generation in interactive web broadcasting. It's main aim is produce an interactive relationship between users and the World Wide Web; through the uses of interactive media. The system has evolved and now caters for various online communities, such as hosted websites/forums, social-networking websites and blogs.

Web 2.0 has a wide variety of online communities, which use a number of online communities in order to maintain a relationship between the World Wide Web; online applications such as Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Flickr; as well as online forums, which produce topics that people question, and other members of the online community respond to in order to aid those in need. Also online communication has expanded from real text to video communication such as youtube; people post relevant/irrelevant topics and videos that provide entertainment and information to the online community.